WJ, established in 1964, is an engineering group of companies that offers a comprehensive range of specialist products and services to the South African and African mining industry.
Whether your project is in the inception phase, an existing operation needing improvement or monitoring, or implementing new systems that require project coordination, engineering design, draughting, manufacturing, commissioning, and after-sales service, we have the capability to assist.
We are able to walk the extra mile, creating innovative systems in collaboration with our clients – with the bottom-line objective of improving your operation’s productivity and profitability.
With a focus on the latest technology and advances in engineering, we have been undertaking product development work in mining related products on a continuous basis. In building on our more than 50 years of experience and expertise, we have also ventured into research and development work in other industries apart from mining.

WJ, established in 1964, is an engineering group of companies that offers a comprehensive range of specialist products and services to the South African and African mining industry.
Whether your project is in the inception phase, an existing operation needing improvement or monitoring, or implementing new systems that require project coordination, engineering design, draughting, manufacturing, commissioning, and after-sales service, we have the capability to assist.
We are able to walk the extra mile, creating innovative systems in collaboration with our clients – with the bottom-line objective of improving your operation’s productivity and profitability.
With a focus on the latest technology and advances in engineering, we have been undertaking product development work in mining-related products on a continuous basis. In building on our more than 50 years of experience and expertise, we have also ventured into research and development work in other industries apart from mining.
The quality management system is ISO 9001:2015 registered and is applicable to the design and manufacture of shaft conveyances, general engineering and fabricated products to the mining industry. The registration is only applicable to WJ Conveyances (Pty)Ltd.


What we do

- Skips
- Man and material cages
- Counterweights
- Loading/measuring flasks
- Vibrator chutes
- Equipping skeletons
- Skip tipping mechanisms
- Ore pass chutes
- Levelok® hydraulic conveyances clamp systems
- Enerbuff energy-absorbing buffer
- General structural steelwork
- Sinking equipment (kibbles, cactus grabs and dead man valves)
- Shaft steelwork (buntons, guides and station steelwork)
- Design
- 3D Modeling
- Draughting and Detailing
ABB, Sweden | Acacia Mining, Tanzania | AngloGold Ashanti, South African and Ghana | Anglo Platinum | Assmang | BCL, Botswana | DRA | Evander Pan African Resources | Goldfields | Grinaker-LTA | Harmony | Hatch Africa | Impala Platinum | Kalagadi Manganese | Kibali Gold Mine, DRC | Konkola Copper Mine, Zambia | Lonmin | Philsaga Mining Corporation, Philippines | Murray & Roberts | NFC Africa (Zambian mine) | Redpath | RSV | Shaft Sinkers | Sibanye-Stillwater | Siyanda Bakgatla Platinum | Royal Bafokeng Resources | TFM (Tenke Fungurume Mining) | Vendanta Resources | Worley